It has been a little more than a week since I attended the ISO 9000 World Conference in Nashville, TN. The conference was full of great people and great companies. I loved hearing what everyone had to say about the revisions to ISO, general QMS standards, and what changes people are implementing to become more efficient in their operations.
Upon my return home to Oklahoma City, I was immediately met with the opportunity to develop our very own Quality Management System in our newest software platform, PERFEQTA. This new opportunity forced me to question “What constitutes a successful QMS?”
A successful QMS consists of written and controlled procedures. These procedures are the basis for auditable events performed by either external or internal audit teams. An effective QMS will identify key process steps and prevent most failures before they occur. It will protect your supply chain, your brand, and most importantly, your consumers. This is something that is understood and widely accepted among organizations who adopt strict Quality Management policies.